Open an event agency selling gestures in your city!
Launch your own event agency selling gestures with the assistance of the company Dari-Postupok. The company has approximately 40 franchising outlets in various regions of Russia and abroad. Sell gift certificates for various gestures by retail, wholesale or via the Internet. The management company will share its experience with you!
Open an event agency selling gestures under your own brand name!
The agency Dari-Postupok was founded in 2009. It specialises in selling unique gifts in form of gestures. The company has years of experience, positive feedback and incredible gift ideas. Today, Dari-Postupok outlets work in over 40 cities.
Presentation of the franchise Dari-Postupok in Russia. You'll have the opportunity to launch the business under your own brand name!
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The services of the agency include such amazing gestures as Rooftop Date, Serenade, Performance by a Musician, Wall or Pavement Graffiti, Fire Sign, Romantic Flash Mob, etc.. The company also offers customised gestures. Dari-Postupok services are purchased as birthday and anniversary presents, as gifts to new moms. Customers can propose to their loved ones with the help of the agency! There’s a great variety of potential customers. Dari-Postupok customers recommend the company’s services to their friends. The agency has been advertised on TV. The management company makes about 10 000 Rubles* from every event in Russia (£202, if we base calculations on the Big Mac Index)*
Dari-Postupok featured on a Russian TV-channel Uspeh!
Open an event agency selling gestures under your own brand name! You can set up a stand in a shopping centre (1-2 sq m) with a TV screen to advertise your services and sell gift certificates. The stand should be brightly decorated. You can attract customers with interesting slogans. You will also need to rent a space. The contents of the starting package will be provided to you in English.
A marriage proposal organised by Dari-Postupok featured on a Russian TV-channel Domashniy
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The management company will provide its business partners with the access to the knowledge base, including the scripts for the most popular gestures and events with photo and video guidelines. Partner training and support will be provided with the assistance of an interpreter. The starting package also includes 2-month post-training support. This will allow you to have a successful launch and then run the business smoothly. You will have the exclusive right to run the business in the specified territory valid for 6 months.
The founder of the project Pavel Kolomin talks about the service Rooftop Date
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Be the first to open an event agency selling gestures in your city! Grow and develop using the company’s guidelines that allowed Dari-Postupok to launch the business in Moscow and 40 other cities! The management company makes about 10 000 Rubles* from every event in Russia (£202, if we base calculations on the Big Mac Index)*.
The founder of the project, Pavel Kolomin, talks about the peculiarities of shopping stands Dari-Postupok
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Interested? Then see other information about the business! You’ll find profits calculation, starting package contents and a video interview where the founder of the project, Pavel Kolomin, talks about the agency and the starting package contents.
*Whether or not your business is successful depends on your own hard work. The price provided in GBP reflects the date when the calculations were made as well as the relevant Big Mac Index.
Profits calculation
Prices in Russia and in the UK differ. For you to understand the potential of the business we used the Big Mac Index in our calculations (the cost of a Big Mac). A Big Mac consists of a number of goods (bread, cheese, meat and vegetables) so it could be considered a clear reflection of the national economy. Of course, it’s not the best way of comparing the pricing in different countries but it can give you a general idea.
As of January 2017 a Big Mac costs £1.78 in Russia and £2.99 in the UK. The difference equals 42.3%. This is why Bonplan raises the cost of Russian services for the UK by 42.3%.
Judging by the operation of Dari-Postupok in Russia, after 4* months of running the business you will sell 40* gestures a month. Average cost of a gesture is 10 000 Rubles* (£202, if we base calculations on the Big Mac Index*). If you sell 40 gestures, your profits should amount to £8 080 a month*, considering the Big Mac Index. Bear in mind that you’ll be able to set prices for your customers yourself. You may want to set a higher price for your services in the UK. It’s up to you.
* Results are not guaranteed and depend on your hard work.
Important: we don’t take into account the level of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. This criterion is much higher in the UK than it is in Russia, which signifies a greater potential of the business.
Your expenses will include office rent, payroll, taxes. However, there may be other expenses that you will have to take care of.
IMPORTANT! The cost of the package and all calculations are approximate. For your convenience all figures are provided in the GBP according to the currency exchange rates at the day of publication of this information. Real calculations will be made in the US Dollars according to the currency exchange rates that will be relevant at the day of the transaction.
The calculations are based on the data received from the management company. The provided data does not guarantee the success of your business. It is always up to you to make your business successful.
How to start
In order to begin our collaboration, we have to sign the agreement first. Once you pay for the starting package you will receive the access to the knowledge base. Your first training via Skype will also take place after you make the payment. Once you sign the agreement it takes about a week to open your agency, provided you rent a space and hire staff in advance.
The contents of the starting package (from £ 2 800):
Exclusive right valid for 6 months. The management company shall not provide consulting services to other potential partners in the territory specified in the Certificate during 6 months after the signing of the agreement.
Complex online training.
Access to the knowledge base. The guaranteed access term is 1 year after the signing of the partnership agreement.
2-month post-training support (after the launch of the business), provided via email.
Interview with the founder of the event agency chain Dari-Postupok, Pavel Kolomin
The agency Dari-Postupok in Moscow introduces a new event format - a romantic trip abroad for one or two days!
Evgenia and Vasilii have already travelled to Paris! The young man secretly bought the tickets, packed their luggage and settled everything at work. It was a real surprise for his girlfriend!
Dari-Postupok agency can organise such a surprise date in any country!
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