Become a representative of DASMS: launch a customer feedback service!
An effective customer feedback service for any business. The equipment was created by the management company itself. Your task is to sell the product. Exclusive right to open an outlet. Company branches are opened in 5 countries, with over 1000 businesses using the service. Toyota, Gazprombank and international airports are among DASMS customers.
Become a representative of DASMS: launch your own customer feedback service!
DASMS is a convenient and effective tool for heads of various businesses and enterprises that allows them to communicate with their customers directly. The company DASMS registered its first customers for the service in 2015. Today the service is offered in 5 countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Latvia). DASMS is used by over 1 000 businesses, including such companies as Toyota, Gazprombank, Baskin-Robbins as well as 2 international airports.
DASMS team
The service is easy to handle. Customers can send their reviews to a number provided in printed ads. All feedback is forwarded to the business owner’s personal account on the website, where they can respond to customers. So a simple text message from a customer ends up in the personal account of the entrepreneur, while both phone numbers remain undisclosed. Anonymity is guaranteed for both parties. All reviews are stored in the same place where they can be easily categorised. Using geolocation tags the business owner will be able to understand which branch of their business is mentioned in the feedback. DASMS allows entrepreneurs to draw a database with customer phone numbers and send newsletters to their customers right from their personal account. The newsletters will be received as text messages. The company has also created a mobile app. The management company makes about 3 600 Rubles from every customer in Russia (£72, if we base calculations on the Big Mac Index)*.
Advantages of DASMS for its customers
Every customer-oriented company needs DASMS due to its immense target audience. Direct interaction with customers leads to their loyalty as well as allows entrepreneurs to analyse their business and find its weaknesses, if there are any. Plus, the business owner receives negative reviews directly rather than read them on a website with public access. Your customers will receive a turnkey solution that includes automated notifications, phone numbers, technical support, integration with the CRM system of their choice, a cloud storage and unlimited text messages. DASMS turnkey solutions will suit businesses in various spheres: restaurants and cafés, educational institutions, medical facilities, fitness centres, etc. Registering a business owner with the service only takes 1 day!
How the digital customer feedback service DASMS works
Become a representative of DASMS: launch your own customer feedback service!
The management company will provide you with the equipment called SIM-bank. DASMS developed it and produces it in Russia. The equipment allows dealers to use multiple SIM-cards and connect them to a single server. The SIM-cards can only receive texts, which is free for you. And those wishing to leave feedback using DASMS will only have to pay whatever their carrier charges them for a text message. You’ll have to hire sales managers and sell a ready-to-go product. Your immediate responsibilities will include searching for customers and signing them up for the service DASMS.
The equipment created by the company DASMS
Your profits are calculated from signing new customers (100% from proceeds go to you) as well as charging them with a monthly fee (70% from proceeds are yours). The management company will provide you with a complete documentation set: presentations for customers, business guidelines, guidelines on managing the interface of the personal account, samples of various documents, study materials for sales managers, scripts for negotiations and so on. You will also receive a marketing plan and development strategy in the territory as well as access to your personal account on the management company website. A personal manager will assist you every step of the way. You’ll have the exclusive right to open a DASMS outlet in your city! All the contents of the starting package, dealer training and support will be provided in the English language.
Golf club Viesturi, Riga, Latvia Toyota centre, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
DASMS makes work interesting! After a year of running the business you will get acquainted with most of the business owners in your city. Restaurants, clubs, medical centres, hotels, cinemas will all want to use the service DASMS. You will be able to barter your services for VIP discounts, free passes and other benefits at your customers’ places of business. Running the business DASMS shouldn’t take you longer than 2 hours a day. You’ll be making a regular passive income while working flexible hours!
A plumbing shop, Riga, Latvia Bar Varvara, Kostroma, Russia
DASMS isn’t just a customer feedback service but a new philosophy of interacting with customers. Offer a complex solution for gathering, storing and analysing customer feedback and suggestions to the business owners of your city! The service is successfully working in 5 countries already! The management company makes about 3 600 Rubles from every customer in Russia (£72, if we base calculations on the Big Mac Index)*.
Manas International Airport, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Interested? Then see other information about the business! You’ll find profits calculation, starting package contents and a video interview where the founder of the project, Nikolai Saganenko, talks about the product and the peculiarities of the business.
*Whether or not your business is successful depends on your own hard work. The price provided in GBP reflects the date when the calculations were made as well as the relevant Big Mac Index.
Profits calculation
Prices in Russia and in the UK differ. For you to understand the potential of the business we used the Big Mac Index in our calculations (the cost of a Big Mac). A Big Mac consists of a number of goods (bread, cheese, meat and vegetables) so it could be considered a clear reflection of the national economy. Of course, it’s not the best way of comparing the pricing in different countries but it can give you a general idea.
As of January 2017 a Big Mac costs £1.78 in Russia and £2.99 in the UK. The difference equals 42.3%. This is why Bonplan raises the cost of Russian services for the UK by 42.3%.
Judging by the operation of DASMS in Russia, after 12* months of running the business a dealer will provide their services to 190* customers (once they approach 2 375 potential customers). On average, every customer pays 3 600 Rubles a month (£72, if we base calculations on the Big Mac Index*). If you land 190* customers, your profits should amount to £13 680 a month*, considering the Big Mac Index. Bear in mind that you’ll be able to set prices for your customers yourself. You may want to set a higher price for your services in the UK. It’s up to you.
* Results are not guaranteed and depend on your hard work.
Important: we don’t take into account the number of small business for every 1000 people. However, this criterion is much higher in the UK than it is in Russia, which signifies a greater potential of the business.
Your expenses will include a service fee to the management company (30% from your customers’ monthly fees), office rent, payroll, taxes. If you will be working on your own, you can exclude rental and payroll expenses from the list. However, there may be other expenses that you will have to take care of.
IMPORTANT! The cost of the package and all calculations are approximate. For your convenience all figures are provided in the GBP according to the currency exchange rates at the day of publication of this information. Real calculations will be made in the US Dollars according to the currency exchange rates that will be relevant at the day of the transaction.
The calculations are based on the data received from the management company. The provided data does not guarantee the success of your business. It is always up to you to make your business successful.
How to start
In order to begin our collaboration, we have to sign the agreement first. All the contents of the starting package will be provided to you within a week after you pay for it.
The contents of the starting package (from £ 2 700):
The right to open an outlet.
Documentation set: guidelines on negotiations, guidelines on business meetings, guidelines on concluding agreements, agreement forms valid in the Russian Federation, materials for presentations and negotiations (commercial proposals, product descriptions, work principles and conditions).
Marketing plan and development strategy in the territory.
Something every business in the service sector has been waiting for!
Client-oriented businesses in the service sector all over the world are interested in receiving customer feedback and hearing their suggestions. This often takes various time-consuming and costly surveys that aren’t very effective. Customers aren’t always eager to answer survey questions on the phone or fill in a questionnaire, be it in print or online. Besides, very few people will give you sincere feedback if anonymity isn’t guaranteed.
The company DASMS came up with a simple inexpensive and effective way to receive anonymous, i.e. honest, reviews. Customers aren’t forced to answer certain questions, they can freely express themselves and leave feedback whenever they want to. It’s not obligatory. Sincere feedback is forwarded directly to the business owner in a clearly structured format.
It’s an opportunity many entrepreneurs would pay a lot of money for. But they don’t have to, since DASMS is an affordable service. Register as many businesses of your city as possible for the service DASMS and receive passive income!
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